Team - Los Galacticos
SUMMER 1 Adult League 2024-Mens BRONZE (TUES) Black Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
PSG 5500946415301.000
Agents Black 532093789150.600
Unathletico de Madrid 53208988910.600
The Big Guns 52307163680.400
Woodpeckers FC 523072826-100.400
Los Galacticos 5050701140-440.000
Los Galacticos's Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Tue-May 7   Los Galacticos 12 - 19 Unathletico de Madrid Complete TRIBE Field 2 RegularChinchilla
Tue-May 14   Los Galacticos 14 - 23 The Big Guns Complete TRIBE Field 2 RegularRamirez
Tue-May 21   PSG 23 - 12 Los Galacticos Complete TRIBE Field 2 RegularRoberts
Tue-May 28   Woodpeckers FC 21 - 14 Los Galacticos Complete TRIBE Field 2 RegularCanan
Tue-Jun 4   Agents Black 28 - 18 Los Galacticos Complete TRIBE Field 2 RegularRoberts
Tue-Jun 11   Woodpeckers FC 7 - (Forfeit) 0 Los Galacticos Complete TRIBE Field 2 Postseason-5th v 6thRoberts
Tue-Jun 18   Woodpeckers FC 7 - (Forfeit) 0 Los Galacticos Complete TRIBE Field 2 Postseason-5th v 6thCanan